Is Starbucks Ruining Your Diet? 10 Drinks That Fit Into Every Diet

We all do it. Stand in line, cell phones in hand, patiently taking out 30 minutes of our morning to do one thing: wait for our favorite coffee drink in the Starbucks line.
I live in Denver, what seems to be the mecca of starbuck’s drinkers. So every morning on the way to work, I see tons of locals sipping away their venti cups of happiness.


What I have noticed recently, is that the same people strolling with their lattes are working their butts off in the gym and not seeing a lot of progress; I have a possible answer and it’s not the 100 grams of carbs you’re eating a day in your meals; it’s the 56 grams of carbs you’re drinking twice a day!


Starbucks, gas station lattes, and your morning coffee shop treats are giving your body more than some extra java; they’re killing your progress through hidden sugar, carbs, and calories!


Your Spiced Vanilla Chai tea? 56 grams of carbs.
Your vanilla latter? 32 grams of carbs, even in a tall.


But before you have a caffeine melt down; don't sweat it! I’ve made it simple to pick your favorite coffee creations you love without adding that extra love on your hips.


10 Starbucks Drinks that won’t Blow your Diet:



Skinny Vanilla Latte:
Calories: 90
Fat: 2


Non-Fat Caramel Macchiato:
Calories: 140
Fat: 1


Coffee Frappuccino with light syrup:
Calories: 20
Fat: 0


Non-Fat Iced Vanilla Latte:
Calories: 120
Fat: 0


Tazo Passion Fruit Tea with Splenda:
Calories: 0
Fat: 0


Iced Coffee with Light Syrup and Non-Fat milk:
Calories: 10
Fat: .5


Café Americano with Splenda:
Calories: 10
Fat: 0


Iced Skinny Latte:
Calories: 60
Fat: 0


Soy Tazo Chair Tea Latte:
Calories: 170
Fat: 2


Iced Americano with Splenda:
Calories: 15
Fat: 0


So there’s the top picks for your caffeine fix. I am what you call a retired “Bucks Addict” and I love coffee drinks so much that I’ve resorted to allowing a $10 maximum on my card for Starbucks treats. I decided to find my own recipe for my favorite Starbucks drink, Cinnamon Dolce Latte, that I could have every morning; guilt free.


Alysha’s Protein Cinnamon Dolce Latte

What’s in it: ½ scoop Axis Labs Clutch Vanilla Protein, ½ cup light almond milk, 1 tbs. Splenda, cinnamon spices, 1 cup Keurig French vanilla cup.  


How to make it:
Place vanilla protein, almond milk, Splenda in bottom of your favorite mug. Pour brewed coffee into mug and stir with spoon until blended and add 2 dashes of cinnamon on top.


Don’t make the mistake of drinking away all your hard work on lattés!  A fitness lifestyle is not about taking away what you love or those little indulgences; its about finding the alternatives that work for you and your goals!
Article Contributed by: Alysha White Axis Labs Sponsored Athlete and Master Trainer @justafitchick