Holiday Eating

Now that we have discussed Nutrition and the importance of consuming different meals at certain times of the day, it is important that we talk about another huge factor playing a major role in maximizing your results -- supplementation.  Before discussing how beneficial it is to take the proper supplements along with your training routine and nutrition program, I want to share a few things that may be helpful to you during the holiday season.   It is possible to eat healthy around the holidays not pack on the extra pounds.  On a daily basis we are surrounded by unhealthy and fatty foods. During the holiday season junk food seems to be in an overabundance.  Many people tend to gain weight because they don't know how to indulge without consuming too many additional calories.  How can you get through the holiday season and still look and feel great? Stick with your workout routine - Just because your diet may not be as good as other times of the year, it doesn't mean you should stop working out.  Keep going to the gym so you feel better about yourself.  Here are a few additional tips to help us all get through the holiday season:
  • Increase your cardio - Burn those extra calories you are going to be eating.   It doesn't hurt to do some additional cardio which may make you feel better.

  • Take walks after eating - Instead of falling asleep on the couch after a big meal that was high in fat and sugar, get moving.

  • Eat with balance - Just because you don't normally eat sweets doesn't mean you should over indulge.  You don't want to deprive yourself of goodies but only have enough to feel satisfied.  When you eat desserts on special occasions, it is more like having a treat and you appreciate it more.

  • Portion control - Watch the amount of food you put on your plate during Christmas dinner or the holiday parties.  You don't want to stuff yourself until you feel sick.  Sometimes it takes your stomach awhile to catch up to your brain to tell you that you are full.

  • Go easy on the alcohol - Try sticking with lower calorie drinks like wine, light beer, or a vodka soda. Most mixed drinks are loaded with sugar.

We should be able to use these tips to help use enjoy the holiday season, and not spend the month of January trying to lose the weight that we gained.  Remember life is all about balance.  It is possible for all of us to enjoy the holidays season and stay in good shape and good health!